COMM@Maryland, NCA 2021
October 23, 2021

Terps Win Awards and Present Research at NCA, 2021.
Congratulations to the COMMTerps who have received awards and had Top Papers accepted for the upcoming NCA convention, November 18-21, 2021, in Seattle, WA.
Professor Linda Aldoory and Professor Emerita Elizabeth Toth have received the Outstanding PRIDE Book Award from NCA's Public Relations Division.
Associate Professor Sahar Khamis is the recipient of the Activism and Social Justice Community Engagement Award from NCA's Activism and Social Justice Division.
UPDATE: Ph.D. student Kalin Schultz is the recipient of the Top Student Paper Award from the Kenneth Burke Society--the paper is "Piety and the Punchline: Cracking Atoms through Standup Comedy."
The following Terps are scheduled to appear on Top Paper Panels or Top Student Paper Panels with their competitively selected research:
- Lindsey B. Anderson, "'Old Age Scares Me': Exploring Young Adults' Feelings About Aging Before and During COVID-19," Communication and Aging Division.
- Drew Ashby-King, Alyson Farzad-Phillips, Victoria Ledford, Jeannette Iannacone, Matthew Salzano, and Lindsey B. Anderson, "Expanding and Constraining Critical Communication Pedagogy in the Basic Communication Course: A Critique of Assessment Rubrics," Basic Course Division.
- Jin R. Choi, "Do I Belong in Ikseon-Dong? Glocalized Cosmopolitan Spaces of Belonging," Korean American Communication Association.
- Max Erdemandi & Jonathan Leach, "'Masks Don't Work': Political Ideology Associations and the Geospatial Propagation of COVID-19 Disinformation on Twitter," Mass Communication Division.
- Jeannette Iannacone, "Upholding the Dominant Work Ideology: How Meaningful Work Narratives of Syrian Refugees in Organizational Rhetoric Reinforce a Capitalist Ontology of Labor," Organizational Communication Division.
- Nick Joyce, "Hate and Its Communication: An Analysis of Normative Prejudice and Derogation," Group Communication Division.
- Melissa Lucas and Lindsey B. Anderson, "Micro, Meso, and Macro: A Multi-Level Approach to Civic Engagement in the Communication Classroom," Instructional Development Division.
- Kalin Schultz, "Mediating Kamala Harris: Political Piety and the Presidency," Student Section.
- Xiaojing Wang, "Listen to the Crowd: The Effects of Danmaku Videos on Viewers' Perceptions," Human Communication & Technology.
Other COMMTerps who have had their research accepted for presentation at the NCA Convention are:
- "Transnational Blackness, #BlackLivesMatter (BLM), and Black Liberation Theology in the English Premier League (EPL)."
- "Knowledge Politics and the 21st Century Public Sphere: Deconstructing the New Societal Commonsense of Cancel Culture."
- "The Syllabus as a Rhetorical Document: Investigating the Impact of Mediated Immediacy on Students' Willingness to Communicate and Out-of-Class Communication with Instructors."
- "Facing Adversity Together: Toward a Genre of Organization-Stakeholder Resilience Discourse."
- "'It Gives You a Better Chance of Getting a Good Job': Exploring First-Year College Students' Memorable Messages about College."
- "'Getting Back Up Again After Being Knocked Down': Capturing Undergraduate Students' Language of Resilience."
- "How do Students Manifest Communication Apprehension in the Online Presentational Speaking Course? Considerations for Synchronous Course Meetings and Asynchronous Presentations."
- "Transforming Information Literacy and Considering Ethical Communication."
- "'Getting Back Up Again After Being Knocked Down': Capturing Undergraduate Students' Language of Resilience."
- "Transforming Visual Aids in Virtual Presentation: Renewing Civic Engagement and Online Activism through Instagram Carousels."
- "'It Gives You a Better Chance of Getting a Good Job': Exploring First-Year College Students' Memorable Messages about College."
Jaclyn Bruner
- "The BCC as a Site of Renewal and Transformation in Civic Education: Three Frameworks for Teaching a Commitment to Civic Education."
- "Cooking One's Way Out of Containment: Kamala Harris, Culinary Tourism, and Material Manifestations of Power."
- "QAnon Casualties: The Secondary Trauma Effects of QAnon Followers' Extremist Ideology on Their Interpersonal Relationships."
- "Encoding and Decoding: Artfully Modeling Communication."
- "Public Patriot or Partisan Puppet? Republican Motherhood and the Testimonies of Anita Hill and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford."
- "'We all at some point or another had our Chucks, right?': An Analysis of Media Coverage of Kamala Harris in the 2020 Presidential Election Cycle."
- "'The Greta Thunberg Hotline for Adults Angry at a Child': Humor, Irreverence, and Trolling as Performances of Resistance."
- "Reviewing Public Sphere Theory in a Contemporary Global Society: A New Role for Public Relations."
- "Counter-storytelling as Resistance to Whiteness in the Context of American D*rt."
- "'Eating up a week's worth of their food': Butsubutsukokan/Trading as a Form of Culinary Reckoning Between Japanese Civilians and American Occupational Soldiers."
- "Decolonial-Recolonial Transformations of Meaning: A Case Study of Transnational Japanese Shonen Anime Contextualizations."
- "Cooking One's Way Out of Containment: Kamala Harris, Culinary Tourism, and Material Manifestations of Power."
- Disrupting Nihonjinron: The Rise of Naomi Osaka and Transformation of Japanese Identity."
- "Effects of Racial and Gender Matching on Individuals' Intentions to Seek a Counselor Online."
- "Interfaith Solidarity and Service Amid the Pandemic: How Muslim and Jewish American Women are Transforming Communities through Nourishing Peace."
- "American-Muslim Women's Contributions Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Countering Shadowed Mis/Representations through Transforming Communities."
- "How do Students Manifest Communication Apprehension in the Online Presentational Speaking Course? Considerations for Synchronous Course Meetings and Asynchronous Presentations."
- "The Policy Think Piece: Instagram Activism Slideshow--Translating Argumentation and Communication Skills to Digital Civic Participation."
- "How do Students Manifest Communication Apprehension in the Online Presentational Speaking Course? Considerations for Synchronous Course Meetings and Asynchronous Presentations."
- "'Getting Back Up Again After Being Knocked Down': Capturing Undergraduate Students' Language of Resilience."
- "How do Students Manifest Communication Apprehension in the Online Presentational Speaking Course? Considerations for Synchronous Course Meetings and Asynchronous Presentations."
- "The BCC as a Site of Renewal and Transformation in Civic Education: Three Frameworks for Teaching a Commitment to Civic Education."
- "Pedestrian Citizenship: Frederick Law Olmsted and the Cultivation of Urban Democracy."
- "How do Students Manifest Communication Apprehension in the Online Presentational Speaking Course? Considerations for Synchronous Course Meetings and Asynchronous Presentations."
- "QAnon Casualties: The Secondary Trauma Effects of QAnon Followers' Extremist Ideology on Their Interpersonal Relationships."
- "'Brush your hair, apply for every grant you can, get laid as often as possible': Women's Muted Experiences Conducting Scientific Research in the Tropics."
- "Decolonial-Recolonial Transformations of Meaning: A Case Study of Transnational Japanese Shonen Anime Contextualizations."
- "Visual Hyper-enthymemes: The Transformative Harm Behind Gendered Horror and Editing in Donald Trump's YouTube Attacks."
- "Media Representation of the Experiences of Trafficked Women in Ghana: Exploring Narratives of Transformation."
- "Rhetorical History, the Public Humanities, and the Exoduster Movement."
- "Counter-storytelling as Resistance to Whiteness in the Context of American D*rt."
- "'Getting Back Up Again After Being Knocked Down': Capturing Undergraduate Students' Language of Resilience."
- "Visual Hyper-enthymemes: The Transformative Harm Behind Gendered Horror and Editing in Donald Trump's YouTube Attacks."
- "'We all at some point or another had our Chucks, right?': An Analysis of Media Coverage of Kamala Harris in the 2020 Presidential Election Cycle."
- "The Policy Think Piece: Instagram Activism Slideshow--Translating Argumentation and Communication Skills to Digital Civic Participation."
- "Piety and the Punchline: Cracking Atoms through Standup Comedy."
- "Interorganizational Homophily and Social Capital in Civil Society Networks."
- "Rhetoric for Barbarians: Friedrich Nietzsche on German Style."
- "How You Prepared Your 'Quarantine Kit?': An Examination of Gain- vs. Loss-Framing in Promoting COVID-19 Preparedness."
Xiaojing Wang
- "Effects of Racial and Gender Matching on Individuals' Intentions to Seek a Counselor Online"
- "How do Students Manifest Communication Apprehension in the Online Presentational Speaking Course? Considerations for Synchronous Course Meetings and Asynchronous Presentations."