You've got i-mail: Kalee Comstock
Feature on Kalee Comstock for "You've got i-mail!"
Find the latest news and information from the department, including student experiences, faculty research and awards, and alumni updates.
Feature on Kalee Comstock for "You've got i-mail!"
Social media following boosts stuffed-cookie business to national stage.
Feature on Laila Ivey for "You've got i-mail!"
An exclusive space for COMM students NOW OPEN
Members of the COMM Department presented research and were recognized with awards at NCA!
Feature on Kyle Poppert for "You've got i-mail!"
Feature on Samantha Vidas for "You've got i-mail!"
Don't forget: Advising is mandatory!
How effective are top campaign ads for Harris, Trump?
COMM Student shines at PRSSA ICON 2024 Conference