You've got i-mail: Kalee Comstock
Feature on Kalee Comstock for "You've got i-mail!"
Find the latest news and information from the department, including student experiences, faculty research and awards, and alumni updates.
Since 2023, she has served as a Lead Faculty Fellow in University Honors, leading a cluster called "Civil Bonds."
Liu leads diverse research teams to theorize and test risk and crisis communication.
The 2024 ICA was held in Australia!
The Universities at Shady Grove recognizes outstanding staff and faculty on campus
Six ARHU alums and one student received the prestigious grant.
Professor of Communication Trevor Parry-Giles featured in USA Today.
Emily Guskin ’06 is a polling analyst at the Post.
Congratulations to the 2024 graduate student awardees.
Congratulations to Emily Guskin!
Department members receive awards for excellence in research, teaching, and service.