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Showing 291 - 300 of 324 Results

Romney'S Tricky Trail: Chief Executive To Executive In Chief

August 17, 2012 Communication

Communication professor Trevor Parry-Giles comments on Romney's transition from CEO to presidential candidate.

Capital Gazette

Gaming Bill Opens Floodgate For Political Spending

August 16, 2012 Communication

Communication professor Trevor Parry-Giles weighs in on gambling legislation.


Fehrnstrom'S Sharp Quips, Elbows Help Romney

July 03, 2012 Communication

Communications professor Trevor Parry-Giles analyses Romney’s response to the health insurance mandate ruling.


Political Activisim 2.0

June 25, 2012 Communication

Department of Communication professor Sahar Khamis co-publishes paper comparing the role of social media in Egypt and Iran.

Americans Vote Fictional Politics On Screen A Hit – But Reality Is A Turn-Off

May 30, 2012 Communication

Department of Communication professor Trevor Parry-Giles on the presidential sitcom "Veep." 

Washington Examiner

Md Lawmakers Point Fingers Over Failed Session

May 19, 2012 Communication

Communications professor Trevor Parry-Giles weighs in on proposed changes to state budget negotiations.

Daily Times of Salisbury, Md.

Shore Officials Slow To Embrace Social Media

May 07, 2012 Communication

Communications professor Klumpp explains why many elected officials on the Eastern Shore are not on Facebook and Twitter.

Department Of Communication Chair Elected To Aejmc, Receives Mentor Award

May 04, 2012 Communication

Toth Elected VP of AEJMC; Wins Plank Educator Mentorship Award. 

Grad School Announces Mcnair Fellowships

May 04, 2012 Communication

Four ARHU students awarded 2012-2013 McNair Fellowships.Congratulations to ARHU’s McNair Fellows!

Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships Announced

May 04, 2012 American Studies, Art History and Archaeology, Communication, English, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, School of Music, The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Spanish and Portuguese

Twelve ARHU doctoral students receive 2012-2013 Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships.Congratulations to ARHU’s Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellows!