Taufiq Ahmad

M.A., Journalism, Ohio University
Research Expertise
Digital Media
Media Studies
Strategic Communication
Taufiq joined Department of Communication as a PhD Student at the University of Maryland. His research interest lies in digital media, strategic communication, and civic engagement. Within the online sphere, he specifically focuses on digital discourses, narrative persuasion, public engagement, online participation and the issues of mis/disinformation.
Taufiq holds an MS in journalism from Ohio University. He has diverse background in teaching and research. He also teaches Oral Communication (COMM 107) at the University of Maryland.
Global news media coverage of artificial intelligence (AI): A comparative analysis of frames, sentiments, and trends across 12 countries
New study on global news media coverage of AI
Author/Lead: Taufiq AhmadThis study examined the coverage of artificial intelligence (AI) in newspapers from 12 countries by analyzing news articles (N = 38,787) collected from 12 mainstream English newspapers, between 2010 and 2023. We used LDA topic modeling to identify prevalent frames in the news articles and SentiStrength to examine sentiments in the news headlines. Framing theory was applied in interpreting our results. Our analysis identified nine frames across newspapers: AI impacts on businesses, economy, and jobs (37.40 %), AI transformations in education and research (17.70 %), AI in national security and global partnerships (11.20 %), AI disruptions in media and creative industries (9.6 %), AI-based innovative solutions (7.30 %), AI regulations, ethics, and data privacy (6.40 %), AI competition and market dynamics in tech industries (4.90 %), AI in healthcare and climate change (3.47 %), and AI in politics, elections, and public opinion (2.03 %). A comparative analysis suggested that the Global North newspapers gave relatively lower coverage to AI-based innovative solutions and AI in healthcare and climate change while AI regulations, ethics, and data privacy and AI disruptions in media and creative industries received minimal coverage from the Global South newspapers. Our overall sentiment analysis indicated that 21.04 % of news headlines evoked negative, 13.33 % positive, and 65.63 % neutral sentiments. The Global North newspapers such as The Guardian and The NYT framed AI negatively in the 24 % of their news headlines, while the Global South newspapers such as China Daily and Bangkok Post framed AI positively in the 14.5 % of their news headlines.
Highlighting Heroes and Ignoring Villains: Visual Framing of Polio and Polio Vaccine in Newspapers
Overall, this study contributes to the fields of visual communication, health communication, and international communication, particularly related to the Global South.
Author/Lead: Taufiq AhmadPolio vaccine hesitancy remains high in Pakistan due to various socio-political, religious, and economic factors. To address this, the government of Pakistan and its international partners such as UNICEF have devised a multipronged communication strategy to counter resistance to polio vaccine in hard-to-reach areas of the country. In this strategy, mainstream news media has been identified as a key stakeholder, as they have the potential to reach a wide range of population and disseminate easy to understand messages including both visuals and text. However, less scholarly attention has been paid to how mainstream news media in Pakistan frame polio and polio vaccine in their visuals. This study aims to fill this gap. Using visual framing as a theoretical framework, we analyzed 115 images from three selected newspapers published from 2010 to 2022. Our results suggest that the newspapers depicted hard-to-reach areas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province which were more affected by polio and highlighted the criminality and securitization of polio vaccine in the country. In addition, female polio healthcare workers, who are instrumental in eradicating the disease, have been given marginal coverage, reflecting the importance of gender sensitivity in the region. Overall, this study contributes to the fields of visual communication, health communication, and international communication, particularly related to the Global South.