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Department members presented and honored at the International Communication Association Conference

July 16, 2024 Communication


The 2024 ICA was held in Australia!

Associate Professor Dr. Sahar Khamis delivered four presentations on topics including diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education, Arab scholarship and new trends in cyberactivism, and the various factors and online dynamics influencing the visibility and virality of online feminist movements. Khamis was also part of a panel on media coverage of global crises and conflicts with Graduate Student Taufiq Ahmad!

Dr. Sahar Khamis

In addition to the panel, Ahmad presented a paper - "Highlighting Heroes and Ignoring Villains: Visual Framing of Polio and Polio Vaccine in Newspapers"- and "Visual Disinformation and Global Media: Exploring the Actors and Threats of Deep Fakes in Global Media Reports on the Ukraine War."

Taufiq Ahmad

Lecturer Dr. Lamia Zia presented her research examining the portrayal of South Asian women in the context of national security by focusing on their representation in the Pakistan Army’s publicity and recruitment efforts. The study highlights how the TV drama “Sinf-e-Aahan” is used as a strategic tool to influence perceptions and encourage the participation of women in the armed forces, thereby reflecting broader themes of gender inclusion and the role of women in national defense and security.

Dr. Lamia Zia

Additionally, Professor Emeritus Dr. Jim Grunig and Professor Dr. Brooke Fisher Liu were inducted as ICA fellows! Fellow status in the International Communication Association (ICA) is primarily a recognition of distinguished scholarly contributions to the broad field of communication.


ICA Fellows

Read more about the conference and the ICA fellows in the August 2024 ICA newsletter. Congratulations to all!