Explore ARHU on Maryland Day 2022!

Explore ARHU on Maryland Day 2022!
Explore what the College of Arts and Humanities (ARHU) has to offer at Maryland Day on Saturday, April 30, 2022, 10 a.m to 4 p.m. ARHU is represented across campus on Maryland Day with nearly 100 events in the performing and visual arts, history, languages, literatures and cultures. Check out our exciting schedule of events by neighborhood below. Admission and parking are free. For more information on what's happening campus wide, visit Maryland Day 2022.
Arts & Humanities Tent
Explore ARHU!
Meet current ARHU students and advisers as they help guide you through our space filled with artists, writers and humanists. ARHU can help you explore your passion, broaden your mind and embrace your role in the world. This is where global visionaries and creative problem solvers are born.
Celebrity Wheel
Spin the celebrity prize wheel and guess the major each famous person studied in college!
Discover the Latin American Studies Center
Test your knowledge and learn some fun facts about Latin America and the Caribbean in these six categories: pop culture, history, geography, sports, politics and wild card. Guess correctly and win a prize.
DIY Instruments
One person’s trash is another person’s musical instrument! Stop by and build your own panpipe or tambourine using only household materials.
Global Professionals: Arabic and Persian
Explore UMD's Global Professional programs in Arabic and Persian, where students learn from cutting-edge language curricula. Enjoy henna art, tasty snacks, have your name written in Arabic or Persian.
History Jeopardy!
Do you know who the 11th President of the United States was? Maryland's state flower? The Maryland-born African-American abolitionist who has a statue on the campus? Test your knowledge with History Jeopardy.
Put Yourself on the Map!
Learn about the history of immigration to Maryland and participate in a map-building project where you can record and preserve your own compelling story that illustrates the ethnic diversity in Maryland.
Write Your Name in Greek and Latin
Stop by to learn how to write your name and introduce yourself in Greek and Latin.
ArtsWalk UMD
Take a walking tour to celebrate Arts for All at UMD! Visit the campus’ art galleries, a state-of-the-art performing arts center, and explore how students create diverse and compelling works across a broad spectrum of art forms. Co-sponsored by the STAMP Gallery.
Skinner Patio
Join the UMD COMMunity in Wolvin Grove (behind the Skinner Building) to celebrate all things communication. Spin the wheel for trivia questions, speech prompts and prizes; share on our community mood board; and, for the kiddos, explore communicating through art and color with squish painting.
Stamp Student Union
ArtsFest 2022
The Atrium, 1st Floor, Adele H. Stamp Student Union, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
This inclusive annual exhibition of individual and collaborative creative works from first- and second-year students in the College Park Scholars Arts program includes live performances, visual and multimedia art exhibits, arts-based research presentations and a broad array of original artwork representative of 100+ art and non-art majors.
David C. Driskell Center: Cole Student Activities Building
"Telling Our Story: Selections from the Permanent Collection"
This exhibition explores the history and unique contributions the David C. Driskell Center has made to the American art canon, incorporating selections that highlight the diversity of art found in the center's permanent collection, some that have never been on display publicly.
The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
Various Locations at The Clarice
Explore the creativity of Terps and the local community at The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center this Maryland Day. View the full list of performing arts events on Maryland Day.
Tawes Plaza
English Tent
Chalk Talk, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Inscribe your favorite quotations on Tawes Plaza in chalk.
Ink-Making Demo, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Watch an old European method of ink production from iron sulfate and oak galls, and then experiment using quill pens.
Lit Ink With Temporary Tattoos, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Emboss & inspire yourself with a literary temporary tattoo using already printed special temporary tattoo paper! Choose from some of the English department’s favorite authors and quotations.
Make Your Mark! 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Typeset a bookmark on BookLab’s Gutenberg-style letterpress.
Writing Technologies Through Time
From clay tablets and scrolls to typewriters and computers, take a look at the tools used to write over time.
Language Science Tent
Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition
Did you know that more than half the world is bilingual? Learn how languages differ in sometimes unexpected ways.
Brain Trivia
You think you know about brains? Answer fun questions about the brain for a chance to win some treats!
Learn about neurons, the building blocks of your brain, by crafting one yourself!
What Are Cognitive Science, Neuroscience and Language Science?
Meet the researchers who study the brain, the mind and language. Learn about what they study and what their research can tell you about yourself.
Art/Sociology Building
M.F.A. in Creative Writing Readings, 12 - 1 p.m.
Room 2202, University of Maryland
Art Gallery
Listen to M.F.A. candidates and alumni present their work.