James F. Klumpp

Professor Emeritus, Communication
2122 Skinner Building
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Ph.D., , University of Minnesota
Research Expertise
Public Address
Dr. Klumpp is a rhetorical critic interested in the use of discourse to effect social change. His work in contemporary rhetorical theory concentrates on Kenneth Burke and the European continental critics. Argumentation is another interest, particularly social argumentation processes. His work in American public address includes studies of Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and numerous social movements. Dr. Klumpp's research has appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Speech, Argumentation, Argumentation & Advocacy, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, and elsewhere. He is former president of the American Forensic Association, and the recipient of the 2009 Distinguished Research Award of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, the 2013 Senior Scholar Award for Lifetime Achievement in Argumentation Research presented by the NCA/AFA Summer Conference in Argumentation, and the 2013 Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award presented by the National Communication Association.