Felicity Dogbatse

M.A., Communication, Bowling Green State University
Research Expertise
Digital Cultures
Felicity Sena Dogbatse is a first-year Ph.D. student in the Rhetoric &
Political Culture track in the Department of Communication. Prior to
coming to UMD, Felicity completed her M.A. in Communication from
Bowling Green State University and her B.A. in Communication from the
University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Felicity’s research in the Ph.D. program
lies at the intersections of gender studies, feminist research, digital media,
political communication, and intercultural communication. Her research
interests lie at an intersection between Black studies, critical cultural
studies, and the philosophy & politics of feminism in her research. Her
master’s thesis examined the digital culture of feminists and gender equity
organizations in Ghana. She is a graduate teaching assistant for COMM 250
(Introduction to Communication Inquiry) at the University of Maryland.