Graduate Alumni Placements
Ph.D. Recipients
- Delight Agboada, “Understanding Ghanaian mothers’ perspectives on and experiences with maternal health misinformation” (S. Khamis, advisor)
- Megu Itoh, "Tracing Transcolonial Intimacies: Relational Resistance Through the Occupation of Japan (1945-1952)" (C. Woods, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor in the Department of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Neha Kamran, "The Public Perspective: Examining The Roles And Social Influence Of Instagram Influencers And Uncovering Implications For Public Relations Practice And Theory” (L.B. Anderson & S. Khamis, advisors)
- Saymin Lee, “Exploring public actors in the context of emerging technology: Network-based publics and their impacts” (S. Lee, advisor)
- Tong Lin, “Comics and Morals: Communicating the Risks of Vaping to Young Adults Through Moralized Graphic Comics” (X. Nan, advisor)
- Xin Ma, “Framing Climate Change: The Impact of Repeated Exposure to Self- and Social-framing Messages on Climate Change Outcomes and Public Segmentation in China” (B. Liu, advisor)
- Fielding Montgomery, “Disinformation that Entertains: The Alt-right’s Use of Popular and Political Culture Strategies” (S. Parry-Giles, advisor)
- Elizabeth Brooke Phipps, “Digital Place-making and Platform Politics: How Users Transformed and Recoded their Lives Online in the Wake of COVID-19” (D. Pfister, advisor)
- Carolyn Robbins, “Rhetorics of Riot: Attica, Archives, and Affect” (C. Woods, advisor). Current position: Reading, Writing, and Social Studies Instructor at the Latin American Youth Center Career Academy, Washington D.C.
- Kathryn Thier, “A New Journalism for a New Climate: Is Solutions Journalism the Solution?” (X. Nan, advisor)
- Olivia Truban, “Proposing a New Survivalist Paradigm of Internal Public Relations” (B. Liu, advisor)
- Drew Ashby-King “What makes a college worth it? A critical examination of constructions and interpretations of institution prestige in U.S. higher education” (L.B. Anderson, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor in the School of Communication, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
- Darrian Carroll “A Black Nationalist World: The Rhetoric of Leaders of the Universal Negro Improvement Association From 1914 to 1925” (S. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor in the Communication Studies Department at California Polytechnic State University.
- Aya Farhat “The Paradox of Expertise: U.S. Abortion Law From 1973-2022” (S. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: CEO of Social Intellect.
- Jeannette Iannacone “Public Mobility and the Impact on Social Networks: Understanding the Societal and Transnational Communication of Migrant Networks from a Qualitative Approach” (E. Sommerfeldt, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor, Tombras School of Public Relations, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville, TN.
- Naette Lee “The Race Palimpsest: Examining the Use of Ancestry Testing in The Rhetorical Construction of Identity” (D. Pfister, advisor). Current position: Communications Manager at United Way.
- Victoria McDermott “Understand you are going to deal with hardships that women deal with in the civilian world, kind of like on steroids”: Air Force and Army women veterans’ perceptions of the United States Military” (L.B. Anderson, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
- Matthew Salzano “Living a Participatory Life: Reformatting Rhetoric for Demanding, Digital Times” (D. Pfister, advisor). Current position: School of Communication and Journalism/Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science and the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY.
- Alex Thomas “Queer Ecology of Monstrosity: Troubling the Human/Nature Binary” (C. Knight Steele, advisor).
- Yuan Wang “ Psychological inoculation against vaccine misinformation: why and when it works" (X. Nan, advisor).
- Yumin Yan “Every cloud has a silver lining: How residents in flood-prone areas of South-Central China cope and cultivate community resilience in the post-crisis stage” (B. Fisher Liu, advisor).
- Hagar Attia, "Protect, Preserve, and Restore: Fundamentalist Arguments in American Discourse," (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies, Gustavus Adolphus College
- Junhan Chen, "Norm Conformity Motivations in Health Prevention: Adding Motivational Appeals to Enhance Norm-Based Message Persuasiveness," (K. Namkoong, advisor). Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow in the National Human Genome Research Institute at National Institute of Health
- Skye de Saint Felix, "Pathological Pregnancies: The Trump Administration's Assault on Migrant Women's Reproductive Health," (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Interim Associate Director of Design Cultures & Creativity (DCC) in the Honors College and Lecturer in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland
- Savreen Hundal, "Cultural Dependence of Emotion-Regulation Strategies," (E.L. Fink & L. Waks, co-advisors). Current Position: Adjunct Professor of Communication at George Washington University.
- Victoria Ledford, "Overcoming Opioid Stigma Through Communication: An Extension of the Model of Stigma Communication," (X. Nan, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor in the School of Communication and Journalism at Auburn University
- Lingyan Ma, "Exploring the Utility of Visual Communication on Problem Recognition and Constraint Recognition: An Extension of the Situational Theory of Publics," (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor at the Minzu University of China
- Duli Shi, "Positively or Negatively Engaging Publics? Communicating Corporate Social Advocacy to Publics with Different Social Identities," (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor at New Mexico State University
- Xiaojing Wang, "Investigating the Effects of Communication Channels and Intergroup Contact on College Students' Mental Health," (N. Joyce, advisor). Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Cancer Institute
- Gareth T. Williams, "Issues Management of Compounding Wicked Problems by Critical Infrastructure Utilities: Cybersecurity and COVID-19," (E. Sommerfeldt, advisor). Current Position: Senior Researcher, Policy & Practice of Energy Cybersecurity, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Sarah Aghazadeh, "Mental Health Advocates as Cultural Intermediaries: A Sociocultural Perspective of Advocacy and Legitimacy," (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Public Relations at Auburn University
- Allison Chatham, "Millenial Women's Perceptions and Communication about Mental Health and Mental Health Problems," (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current Position: Communications Specialist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Alyson Farzad-Phillips, "Combatting White Supremacy on Campus: Racialized Counter-Memory and Student Protests in the 21st Century," (K.L. Maddux, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication at Furman University
- Randall Fowler, "Twin Pillars to the Axis of Evil: Presidential Security Metaphors and the Justification of American Intervention in the Persian Gulf, 1971-2001," (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication at Fresno Pacific University.
- Kimberley Hannah-Prater, "A Rhetorical Criticism of Hillary Clinton in Political Satire and Political Parody," (S. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies at the Community College of Baltimore County.
- Nora Lee Heist, "Facilitating Expressed Empathy: Lessons Learned from Public Conversations," (K.L. Maddux, advisor). Current Position: Department of Communication & Journalism, Eastern Illinois University
- Jungkyu Rhys Lim, "Developing Effective Communication for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Mitigation," (B.F. Liu, advisor). Current Position: Behavioral and Social Scientist at The World Bank
- Yan Qin, "Reminding Me of the Future: Episodic Future Thinking as a Strategy for Mobile Health Interventions," (X. Nan, advisor). Current Position: Researcher at Hainan University
- Christina SanInocencio, "Computer-Mediated Health Communication and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: Understanding Social Support and Information Sharing in a Closed, Rare-Disease Facebook Support Group," (L.B. Anderson, advisor). Current Position: Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication at Fairfield University and Lecturer at Stony Brook University
- Devin Scott, "Political Authenticity and Cynicism on the 2016 Campaign Trail," (T. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Instructional Consultant for the Teaching and Learning Center at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- Artesha Chardonnay Sharma, "The Black Body in Political Photography, 1990-2020," (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Learning and Capability Partner at Big Fish Games/Pixel United
- Nathaniel Stoltz, "A Theory of Argumentative Norms: Conceptualizing and Evaluating Domain-Specific Argumentative Expectations," (D. Hample, advisor). Current Position: Podcaster and Independent Sports Analyst for Excessive Prospect Analysis
- Misti Hewatt Yang, "Code Me a Good Reason: Joseph Weizenbaum and a Rhetoric of Ethical AI," (D.S. Pfister, advisor). Dr. Misti Yang passed away on March 23, 2023. In a too-short scholarly career, Misti published award-winning scholarship on chatbots, artificial intelligence, and automation, registering how computational technologies challenge our theories of invention and judgment. While we mourn the loss of Misti and the brilliance that was to come, her work offers a strong foundation on which ongoing conversations about rhetoric, artificial intelligence, and ethics will build. View Misti's Obituary.
- Yiwen Dai, "Reducing Relational Boredom in Romantic Relationships," (D. Hample, advisor).
- Sreashi Das, "Self-Disclosure to Initiate Long-Term Romantic Relationships Online: A Mixed-Methodological Study in India and the U.S.," (A.A. Seate & E.L. Fink, co-advisors). Current Position: Adjunct faculty member in Hospitality and Sports Management at the University of Delaware
- Sumin Fang, "Relationship Management Theory and Its Application to Chinese and Chinese American Young Women's Usage of Mobile Fitness Technology," (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communications at the University of the Fraser Valley
- Amanda L. Irions, "Social Catalysts and Social Goal Pursuit," (D. Hample, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor and Data Analyst in Organizational Communications at Doane University
- Samantha Stanley, "Communicating the Risks and Benefits of Prescription Opiod Use: Self-Categorization as an Intrinsic Message Feature that Influences Construal Level," (A.A. Seate, advisor). Current Position: Social Scientist at the Food and Drug Administration
- Brooke Witherow, "Putting the Community back into Community Policing: Community Building and Problem Solving," (B.F. Liu, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication Arts at Hood College
- Rebecca Alt, "Legitimizing the Culture of Big Time Sport: Rhetoric and the Myth of the Student-Athlete," (M.M. Yang, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication and Director of the Speech Preparation Lab at Lenoir-Rhyne University
- Julio J. Bermejo, "'We Band of Brothers?': A Social-Identity-Based Study of Military Public Affairs Professional Identity, Organizational Socialization, and Collaboration," (B.F. Liu, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication at California State University, Fullerton
- Jaclyn L. Bruner, "Constructing a Legacy: The Role of Anniversary Commemorations in Remembering Brown v. Board of Education," (D.S. Pfister, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Clinical Professor at University of Maryland
- Luke Capizzo, "Managing Intractability: Wrestling with Wicked Problems and Seeing Beyond Consensus in Public Relations," (E. Sommerfeldt, advisor). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at the University of Missouri
- Sylvia Guo, "Developing a Care-Based, Process-Oriented, Contextualized Ethical Theory in Public Relations: Exploring a Relational, Behavioral, and Multi-Level Interactionist Perspective," (L.B. Anderson, advisor). Current Position: Research Director at Hanover Research, in Arlington, Virginia
- William Howell, "'The Fight is Yours': Ally Advocacy, Identity Reconfiguration, and Political Change," (T. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Interim Director of Communications for Portland Public Schools
- Melissa Lucas, "Gold Star Pilgrimages: Tracing Maternal Citizenship through the Great War Era, 1914-1933," (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Communication and Co-Director of the Oral Communication Program and the University of Maryland, College Park
- Rong Ma, "Responding to Group-Directed Criticism," (A.A. Seate & E.L. Fink, co-advisors). Current Position: Assistant Professor of Communication at Butler University
- Nma Winnie Obike, "Nelson Mandela's 1990 Visit to the United States of America: Rhetoric(s) of the Anti-Apartheid Movement," (T. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current Position: Political Candidate for Missouri's 1st Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives
- Janna Soeder, "Vanishing Images: Mediations of Native Americans in the Tradition of the Western," (K.L. Maddux, advisor). Current Position: Lecturer in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland, College Park
- Hsin-Yi Chien, "The Dynamics of Intimate Intercultural Relationships: The Negotiation of Cultural and Relational Identities on Intercultural Couple's Conflict Management," (S. Khamis & A. Atwell Seate, co-advisors). Current position: Senior Researcher at Exploratorium, in San Francisco, California
- Megan Fitzmaurice, "Commemorative Activism: Tracing Black Nationalism Through Contemporary Campaigns to Memorialize U.S. Slavery, 1991-2017," (S. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Texas at Arlington
- Josie Deanna Ganzermiller, "Creative Persuasion: Enhancing Well-being and Self-efficacy through Theatrical Performance," (S. Khamis & L. Waks, co-advisors). Current position: Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University for Advanced Academic Programs and the Carey Business School
- Zexin Ma, "Persuasive Effects of Narratives in Immersive Mediated Environments," (X. Nan, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Connecticut
- Annie Laurie Nichols, "No Tangle so Hopeless: Toward a Relational Cluster Analysis," (D.S. Pfister, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication at Saint Vincent College
- Tyler Page, "Measuring a World in Crisis: A New Model of Reputation Repair," (B.F. Liu, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Connecticut
- Timothy S. Penn, "Cultivating #Cupfusion: An Exploration of the Unintended Consequences of Communication in a Public Relations Campaign," (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Lecturer in Communication and Public Relations at Lenoir-Rhyne University
- Sifan Xu, "An Identity-Based Approach to Organization-Public Relationships and Interactions," (E. Sommerfeldt, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Mengqi Zhan, "Cultural Diversity in Project Teams: Unpacking How and When Cultural Diversity Affects Collective Importance," (D. Hample, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Texas at Arlington
- Abbe Depretis, "The Carnival of the Courtroom: Public Moral Argument, Anti-War Protest, and the Chicago Eight Trial" (R.N. Gaines, advisor). Current position: Assistant Teaching Professor of Business Communication at Carnegie Mellon University
- James G. Gilmore V, "I Love to Tell the Stor(ies): Narrative Constructions in the Christian Right" (T. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Principal of Dewey Square Group, a public affairs strategy business based in Washington DC
- Irina Iles, "Improving Chronic Illness Medication Adherence: A Counter-Factual Thinking Based Model of Persuasive Communication" (X. Nan, advisor). Current position: Research Fellow at the National Cancer Institute in the Behavioral Research Program
- Jessica Lu, "Reckoning with Freedom: Legacies of Exclusion, Dehumanization, and Black Resistance Interim Director of Design Cultures & Creativity (DCC) in the Honors College at the University of Maryland, and Lecturer at Georgetown University.
- Thomas McCloskey, "Cold War II: Ukrainian Sovereignty and Identity" (S. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Lecturer in Communication at the University of Maryland, and Adjunct Instructor in Public Relations at the University of Florida
- Jade Olson, "The Rhetoric of Eco-Revolutionary Activism: Constructing the Earth Liberation Front" (J.F. Klumpp, advisor). Current position: Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Communication, University of Maryland, College Park, Md.
- Yvonne Slosarski, "Freedom from the Market: Antagonistic Disruptions of Neoliberal Capitalism" (K.L. Maddux, advisor). Current position: Senior Communications Strategist for the ACLU of Washington DC
- Meridith I. Styer, "Inventing and Delivering the Woman Citizen: Susan B. Anthony's Extemporaneous Speaking as a Performance of Citizenship in Service of Woman Suffrage" (K.L. Maddux, advisor). Current position: Account Supervisor at Orangefiery, a strategic communications firm
- Ning Xie, "Feelings Matter: Emotions and Relationship Management Pre- and Post-Crisis" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: International Recruiting Manager for Graduate Programs at the University of Louisville College of Business
- Bo Yang, "Impact of Web Content Feedback System on the Effectiveness of Health Promotion Messages on YouTube: A Norms-Based Inquiry" (X. Nan, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, Department of Communication
- Xinyan Zhao, "Testing a Dual Path Framework of the Boomerang Effect: Proattitudinal versus Counterattitudinal Messages" (E.L. Fink, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Julia Daisy Fraustino, "Flooded with Information from Social Media: Effects of Disaster Information Source and Visuals on Viewers’ Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Responses" (B.F. Liu, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at West Virginia University
- Elizabeth Gardner, "The Child Labor Movement's Night Messenger Service Campaign: Rights and Reform in the Progressive Era" (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Westmont
- Sean Luechtefeld, "Petitioning in Boots: Motivation & Mobilization in the Rhetoric of Coxey's Army, 1894" (J.F. Klumpp & A. Wolvin, advisors). Current position: Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and Vice President for Membership and Communications at ANCOR
- Liang Ma, "When Love Becomes Hate (?): The Interplay Between Consumer-Brand Relationships and Crisis Situations" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at Texas Christian University
- Stephanie Madden, "The Issue with Issues Management: An Engagement Approach to Integrate Gender and Emotion into Issues Management" (E. Sommerfeldt, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations at the Pennsylvania State University
- Michael J. Steudeman, "The Educational Imaginary in Radical Reconstruction: Congressional Public Policy Rhetoric and American Federalism, 1862-1872" (T. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University
- Jennifer S. Bourne, "Overcoming Intercultural Challenges in Interpreting: A Case-Study on Chinese-English Conference Interpreting" (A. Wolvin, advisor). Current position: Director of Fellowships and Associate Editor of Noema Magazine at the Berggruen Institute
- M. Karen Walker, "Rhetorical Work in Soft Power Diplomacy: The U.S-India 123 Agreement and a Relationship Transformed" (J.F. Klumpp, advisor). Current position: Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and Program Executive for The Presidential Precinct
- Neil Mansharamani, "An Analysis of Presidential Campaigns of Sitting and Former Vice Presidents: So Close and Yet So Far" (K. Kendall & J.F. Klumpp, advisors). Current position: Speechwriter for the Federal Aviation Administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation
- Benjamin Krueger, "A Dissident Blue Blood: Reverend William Sloane Coffin and the Vietnam Antiwar Movement" (R. Gaines, advisor). Current position: Lecturer and Assistant Coach of Debate at the University of Nevada, Reno
- Rowena Kirby-Straker, "Scene Matters: Strategic Use of Similarity and Framing in Narrative Risk Communication" (D. Hample, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication at Wake Forest University
- Jarim Kim, "The Impact of Consideration of Future Consequences and Temporal Framing on Acceptance of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine" (X. Nan, advisor). Current position: Professor of Communication at Yonsei University
- Melissa Janoske McLean, "Building Online Communities after Crises: Two Case Studies" (B.F. Liu, advisor). Current position: Associate Executive Director at the Community Legal Center in Memphis, TN
- Kelly Daily, "Explicating Partisans’ Responses to Balanced News Coverage of Health Policies" (X. Nan, advisor). Current position: Chair and Associate Professor of Communication at Le Salle University
- Susan Allen, "Putting Out Fires: How Communication Professionals Understand and Practice Conflict Resolution" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Assistant Director of Communication at Johns Hopkins University Advanced Academic Programs
- Rowena Lyn Briones, "Examining the Get Yourself Tested Campaign: How Online Information Seeking and Sexual Health Perceptions Influence Efficacy and Communicative Action" (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current position: Career & Empowerment Coach
- Steven D. Cohen, "Listening to Student Voices: A Case Study on the Basic Communication Course" (A.D. Wolvin, advisor). Current position: Professor in the Carey Business School at Johns Hopkins University
- Theresa Donofrio, "Genocide Rhetorics in U.S. Popular Culture: Anxiety, Agency, and Authority" (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Rhetoric at Coe College
- Lindsay Hayes, "Congressional Widowhood and Gubernatorial Surrogacy: A Rhetorical History of Women's Distinct Paths to Public Office" (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: President & CEO, Free the Facts
- Leysan Khakimova, "An Exploratory Study of the Meaning of Public Diplomacy: A Network Approach" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor in Strategic Communication at Lund University
- Tiffany Lewis, "Boosting the American Mythic West and U.S. Woman Suffrage: Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain Women's Public Discourse at the Turn of the Twentieth Century" (K.L. Maddux, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor in Communication at Baruch College, City University of New York
- Ling Na, "Health, Multiculturalism, and Social Integration" (D.J. Hample, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Public Health at the University of Toledo
- Sejal Patel, "An Extension of the Risk Perception Attitude (RPA) Framework: Examining the Relationships between Thinking Style, Locus of Control, Anxiety, and Information Seeking" (M.M. Turner & A.D. Wolvin, advisors)
- Adam Richards, "Survival of the Persuasible: An Evolutionary Approach to Interpersonal Influence" (D. Hample, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Communication at Furman University
- Paula Weissman, "Where Does News About Prescription Drugs Come From?: Exploring How Organizations Built and Framed the National News Media Agenda for Hormone Therapy from 1995 to 2011" (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current position: Senior Professorial Lecturer in the Public Communication Division at American University, Washington DC
- Vanessa Boudewyns, "A Meta-Analytical Test of Perceived Behavioral Control Interactions in the Theory of Planned Behavior" (E.L. Fink, advisor). Current position: Research Scientist at RTI International, in Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Sabine Chai, "The Influence of Power on Negotiation Processes" (D.A. Cai & E.L. Fink, advisors). Current Position: Managing Director of the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity
- Ioana A. Cionea, "A Dual Perspective on the Management of Relational Transgressions in Romantic Relationships" (E.L. Fink & D.J. Hample, advisors). Current position: Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Oklahoma
- Alyssa Samek, "Crafting Queer Identity, Building Coalitions, and Envisioning Liberation at the Intersections: A Rhetorical Analysis of 1970s Lesbian-Feminist Discourse" (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Rhetorical Studies at California State University, Fullerton
- Stephen Underhill, "J. Edgar Hoover and the Rhetorical Rise of the FBI: The Public Campaigns against Vermin, the Fifth Column, and Red Fascism" (S.J. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Professor and Chair of Communication Studies at Marshall University
- Jill Cornelius Underhill, "Examining the Effects of Hope and Fear Appeals on Cognitive Processing" (T. Parry-Giles & M.M. Turner, advisors). Current position: Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Marshall University
- Abbey Blake Levenshus, "The Social Coast Guard: An Ethnographic Examination of the Intersection of Risk Communication, Social Media, and Goverment Public Relations" (B.F.Liu, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Strategic Communication at Butler University
- Ahnlee Jang, "Exploration of Communicative Social Capital, Civic and Political Engagement of the Korean Diaspora" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of School of Advertising and Public Relations at Hongik University
- Lin Zhu, "A Longitudinal Study of Person-Culture Fit: Convergence of Mental Models" (M. Liu, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor and Chair of Communication at the University of Massachusetts Boston
- Deepa Anagondahalli, "Predicting Psychological Ripple Effects of Crisis Communication: Investigating the Joint Effects of Message and Message Receiver Attributes" (B.F.Liu & M.M. Turner, advisors)
- Beth Sundstrom, "Women's Voices: Integrating Diffusion of Innovations Theory with Social Marketing to Understand Women's Health" (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current position: Professor of Communication at the College of Charleston
- Mara Hobler, "Situating Organizational Participation, Discourse, and Development at Two Key Global Maternal Health Conferences: A Critical-Cultural Analysis" (L. Aldoory, advisor). Mara Hobler passed away in August 2021. Dr. Mara Hobler was an exceptional researcher and colleague who contributed significantly to the development of the “Take on Transplant” lung transplant decision support tool.
- Lucinda L. Austin, "Rural Women’s Meaning Making of Empowerment and Health: Exploring the Dimensions of and Factors that Affect Empowerment" (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor in the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Timothy Barney, "(Re)Placing America: Cold War Mapping and the Mediation of International Space" (T. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Communication Studies at the University of Richmond
- Heather Epkins, "Media Framing of Terrorism: Views of 'Front Lines' National Security Prestige Press" (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current position: Internal Communications Strategist for the Science Applications International Corporation and Lecturer in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland, College Park
- Sarah Evans, "Nuclear Reactions: Advancing a Theory of Risk Communication through an Experimental Test of the Relationships among Message-Induced Emotions, the Dimensions of the Psychometric Paradigm, the Operationalization of Expertise, and Expert and Lay Person Risk Assessments" (M.M. Turner, advisor). Current position: Founder of Squared Research
- Art Herbig, "The Textualization of Pat Tillman: Understanding the Relationships between Person, Discourse, and Ideology" (R. Gaines, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Media Production at Purdue University, Fort Wayne
- Christine Skubisz, "Toward a Theory of Risk Information Processing: The Mediating Effects of Reaction Time, Clarity, Affect, and Vividness" (M.M. Turner, advisor). Current position: Assistant Professor of Natural and Applied Sciences at Bentley University
- Martha Kelly Carr, "Rhetorical Contingency and Affirmative Action: The Paths to Diversity in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke" (T. Parry-Giles, advisor). Current position: Department Chair and Associate Professor of Communication at the University of West Florida
- Katie Reynolds Place, "A Qualitative Examination of Gender and Power in Public Relations" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Professor of Strategic Communication at Quinnipiac University
- Elena Bessarabova, "The Dynamics of Reactance and Cognitive Structure" (E.L. Fink & M.M. Turner, advisors) . Current position: Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Oklahoma
- Hua Jiang, "A Model of Work-Life Conflict and Quality of Employee-Organization Relationships: Transformational Leadership, Procedural Justice, and Family-Supportive Workplace Initiatives" (L. Aldoory, advisor). Current position: Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Public Relations at Syracuse University
- Erica Lamm, "Civic Engagement Development in Communication Students: A Case Study" (A. Wolvin, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Communication, MBA Program Director, and Assistant Director of Forensics at Concordia University, Nebraska
- Yi Luo, "Public Relations and Sensemaking during Organizational Change in Multinational Organizations in China" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Communication and Media at Montclair State University
- Hongmei Shen, "Organization-Employee Relationship Model: A Two-Sided Story" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Professor in the School of Journalism and Media Studies at San Diego State University
- Brian G. Smith, "Integrating Strategic Relationship Management: Evaluating Public Relations as Relationship Management in Integrated Communication" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Public Relations at Brigham Young University
- Bjørn F. Stillion Southard, "The Rhetorical Origins of African Colonization in the United States" (J.F. Klumpp, advisor). Current position: Associate Professor of Communication and Director of Debate at the University of Georgia
- Shuo Yao, "Attributional Processes in Accounting for Conflict Behaviors" (D.A. Cai & E.L. Fink, co-advisors). Current position: Professor of Communication at Radford University
- Ai Zhang, "Public Relations Education in the 21st Century: An Exploratory Study of Public Relations Education in China" (E.L. Toth, advisor). Current position: Career/Life Coach and founder of Classroom Without Walls